Division of Valvular Diseases and Congenital Heart Diseases

Head: Assistant Professor Kristina Marić Bešić, MD, PhD, Internal Medicine Specialist, Cardiology Subspecialist
Head Nurse: Ivana Babić, bacc. med. tech.

Cardiology specialists:

Assistant Professor Kristina Marić Bešić, MD, PhD, Internal Medicine Specialist, Cardiology Subspecialist
Primarius Miroslav Krpan, MD, Internal Medicine Specialist, Cardiology Subspecialistbri
Denis Došen, MD, Cardiology Specialist

Phone: +385 (1) 236 7508
Fax: +385 (1) 236 7512

The Department is organized as an inpatient hospital unit for management of patients with a wide range of cardiovascular diseases. The Department has 15 beds for elective and emergency admissions. A special group of patients managed at the Department are adult congenital heart disease patients (ACHD). Some of these patients are managed at inpatient hospital unit, some of them in outpatient clinic. These patients are usually young patient referred from pediatric cardiologists after becoming adults (16-18 years). Most of them have already had complicated surgical procedure and/or percutaneous intervention during childhood so they require permanent highly specialized cardiac follow-up. Management usually includes reinterventions or surgical procedures and specific pharmacological therapy. Department’s physicians cooperate with cardiac surgeons specialized in adult congenital heart disease. Department physicians perform all diagnostic and interventional procedures in ACHD patients. The Department is Reference Centre of the Ministry of Health for congenital heart disease in adults.

A total of 25 atrial septal defect closures, 31 persistent foramen ovale closures in adults, 5 percutaneous stent implants in aortic coarctation and 5 transcatheter pulmonary valve implants (Melody) have been performed within the Reference Center until today.