Division of intensive cardiology care, arrhythmia, and transplantation cardiology

Head: Academician Davor Miličić, MD, PhD, Internal Medicine Specialist, Cardiology Subspecialist
Head Nurse: Nataša Barišec, mag. med. techn.

Cardiology specialists:

Academician Davor Miličić, MD, PhD, Internal Medicine Specialist, Cardiology Subspecialist
Professor Boško Skorić, MD, PhD, Internal Medicine Specialist, Cardiology Subspecialist
Professor Maja Čikeš, MD, PhD, Internal Medicine Specialist, Cardiology Subspecialist
Assistant professor Jure Samardžić, MD, PhD, Internal Medicine Specialist
Daniel Lovrić, MD, Internal Medicine Specialist, Cardiology Subspecialist
Jana Ljubas Maček, MD, PhD, Internal Medicine Specialist, Cardiology Subspecialist
Hrvoje Jurin, MD, Cardiology Specialist
Ivo Planinc, MD, Cardiology Specialist
Marijan Pašalić, MD, Cardiology Specialist
Dora Fabijanović, MD, Cardiology Specialist
Nina Jakuš, MD, Cardiology Specialist

Phone: +385 (0)1 2367 466, 01/2367 467
Fax: +385 (0)1 2367 512

Intensive cardiology care unit

Intensive cardiology care unit deals with acute coronary syndrome patients, patients with life-threatening arrhythmias, acute heart failure or cardiogenic shock. Unit is also a Reference Centre of the Ministry of Health for Heart Failure and Transplantation cardiology because the Unit has most advanced treatment and diagnostics methods for acute life-threatening cardiac conditions. From classical “Coronary Care Unit” it gradually evolved in complex Coronary and Internal Medicine Intensive Care Unit. Unit’s physicians are trained in intensive care procedures and treatment.
Among the specific procedures performed at the Unit, it is worth mentioning implantation of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and mechanical blood flow support (ECMO), cardiac microcatheterization, and therapeutic hypothermia after cardiorespiratory arrest. The Unit also specializes in management of patients with paracorporeal and implantable heart pumps, in collaboration with the Department of Cardiac Surgery and the Department of Cardiac Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. In addition to education of physicians, special attention is paid to the education of nurses in the field of acute and intensive cardiology.

Clinical Unit of post-intensive care unit, heart failure and transplantation cardiology

The Unit of post-intensive care unit, heart failure and transplantation cardiology specialize in management of patients after intensive cardiac treatment. It also specializes in advance heart failure, transplantation cardiology and mechanical circulatory support. The Unit is a Reference Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia for heart failure and transplantation cardiology, so patients with advanced heart failure from entire Republic of Croatia but also from neighboring countries are managed here. Annually, within the Reference Centre, about 70 resynchronization devices are implanted, 20 left-sided mechanical pumps (dominantly HeartWare and HeartMate III), and 20-25 heart transplants are performed. An extensive diagnostic cardiac evaluation is performed, including functional testing and imaging methods. In addition to acute care, patients with chronic heart failure, patients with implanted mechanical circulatory support and heart transplant patients are regularly admitted for follow up. The Unit has seven beds with the possibility of intensive monitoring, and twelve beds with the possibility of telemetry monitoring. The Unit’s staff are cardiology specialists and nurses, well educated in the care of patients with advanced heart failure.